Ultraviolet Light Therapy

Ultraviolet Light Therapy

Treating Psoriasis with Phototherapy

Psoriasis is a skin disease and a complicated disease to treat. Even after so much research, medical community could not find an ultimate cure. However, the condition can be controlled from progressing. Phototherapy is one of the ultimate treatments to treat the disease and improve skin condition.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a kind of skin disorder that can create reddish, scaly patches on the skin. There can be one patch or there can be several. The main areas affected are usually scalp, forehead, back and behind the ears. The good thing about dry skin the disease is that is cannot be communicated from one person to the other. Dry skin psoriasis is the most common form of disease

Since the inception of the disease, a lot of research and studies have been done to find the root cause of the disease. However, the real cause is still unknown. According to doctors, any person with low immunity system can suffer from the disease. They believe that due to some problems with immunity system, it can cause the skin cells to grow quickly before the old skin sheds off from your body. Unfortunately, despite such advancements in the medical industry, the disease is incurable, however, the symptoms can be reduced and reduction can be possible.

Determining the treatment

The severity of the disease can be determined by the percentage of its spread and can have serious impacts on the life of the patient. The disease can be mild, mild to severe or chronic. Chronic psoriasis patients can have sleepless nights due to skin irritation and can also have serious effects on the quality of life. It can inhibit patients from doing their normal physical activities. The disease can also have psychological effects on patients. They may feel embarrassed or depressed due to the appearance of the skin.

Even though there is no cure, certain treatments can reduce the effects. Tropical treatment like creams, moisturizers or bath solutions can reduce the redness as well as dryness of the skin. But using these methods is logical only if the affected area is small. There are medications that can be taken orally or can be injected. However, long time doses can have serious effects on your blood and liver. Apart from these treatments, there is one treatment that is highly beneficial and is known as phototherapy. Let us know more in detail about the phototherapy procedure.

Treating skin disorder Psoriases with Phototherapy

Phototherapy is the best treatment for psoriasis patients and preferred option by most of the doctors and dermatologists. It is a long known fact that if the affected skin is exposed to sun’s Ultraviolet rays, it can slowly and gradually clear the scaling of the skin which usually happens in psoriasis. With the help of technology, the medical industry has come up with ways of replicating the sun UV rays for therapeutic procedures.

The treatment is given in scheduled sessions and Phototherapy UVB is the most common option chosen. If the severity of the disease is high, then phototherapy treatment can work wonders on the patients. It can easily be used on large affected areas and has minimal side effects compared to its alternatives. The treatment can increase the production of healthy skin cells with positive effects on patients. Patients are only required to do regular monitoring.

Techniques for skin care

Like winter season, you are prepared and ready to fight the problems from chapped lips, dry skin, rough hands etc. Similarly, in psoriasis also need to make proper skin care regime to control the progression of the disease. The only difference here is that the regime needs to be followed thoroughly without any breaks because the condition is not seasonal.

  • Keep your skin moist – In psoriasis; the skin becomes dry and flaky due to which patients suffer itchiness. Hence, you always need to keep your skin moisturized all the time. Keep your creams with you at all times to reapply whenever the skin goes dry.
  • Alleviate with warm baths - On a daily basis, for 15 minutes, soak the affected area of your body in warm water and then clean with mild soap. It can relieve itchiness and remove dry skin.

Make lifestyle changes

If you want to get rid of the disease, there are certain lifestyle changes that you need to make that would ensure healthy production of skin cells. Here are some suggestions that you can follow to reduce the symptoms:-

  • Quit smoking and drinking
  • Eat healthy
  • Drink plenty of water regularly to keep your body hydrated
  • Get proper sleep
  • Follow an exercise regime

Final Word

In a nutshell, go easy on yourself. Don’t use harsh products and avoid unhealthy eating and drinking habits. Try not to scratch, rather apply creams whenever feeling itchy. Speak to your doctor regularly about the disease and follow the advice properly.

Free consultation with our specialist Dr.Stuart Weg, please call us at 1-212-794-8800.

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