Female Infertility: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Center in New York City

Female Infertility: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Center in New York City

Understanding Female Infertility: Causes and Treatments

Infertility is a common issue that affects many women around the world. It can be a difficult and emotional experience for those affected, and it is important to understand the causes and available treatments for female infertility. In this article, we will explore the different causes of female infertility, as well as the various treatments that are available. We will also discuss the importance of seeking medical advice and support when dealing with infertility.

The most common cause of female infertility is ovulation disorders. These can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal imbalances, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and thyroid disorders. Other causes of infertility in women can include blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, and age-related infertility.

Treatment for female infertility can vary depending on the cause. For ovulation disorders, medications such as clomiphene citrate or gonadotropins can be used to stimulate ovulation. Surgery may be necessary to treat endometriosis or blocked fallopian tubes. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is also an option for women who are unable to conceive naturally.

It is important to seek medical advice and support when dealing with infertility. Your doctor can help you understand the causes of your infertility and discuss the best treatment options for you. They can also provide emotional support and connect you with other resources to help you cope with the emotional aspects of infertility.

Infertility can be a difficult and emotional experience, but understanding the causes and available treatments can help you make informed decisions about your fertility. If you are struggling with infertility, it is important to seek medical advice and support to ensure you are getting the best care possible.

Female infertility can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal imbalances, structural issues, and lifestyle factors. Hormonal imbalances can cause issues with ovulation, which can lead to infertility. Structural issues, such as blocked fallopian tubes, can also cause infertility. Lifestyle factors, such as smoking, can also contribute to infertility.

There are a variety of treatments available for female infertility, depending on the cause. Hormonal imbalances can be treated with medications to help regulate ovulation. Structural issues can be addressed with surgery. Lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, can also help improve fertility. In some cases, assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), may be necessary to achieve pregnancy.

It is important to remember that infertility is not always a permanent condition. With the right medical care and support, many women are able to overcome infertility and achieve pregnancy. If you are struggling with infertility, it is important to seek medical advice and support to ensure you are getting the best care possible.

What causes female infertility?

Female infertility can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal imbalances, anatomical issues, and lifestyle factors. Hormonal imbalances can be caused by conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or thyroid disorders. Anatomical issues can include blocked fallopian tubes or uterine abnormalities. Lifestyle factors can include smoking, alcohol use, and being overweight or underweight.

What are the treatments for female infertility?

The treatment for female infertility will depend on the underlying cause. Hormonal imbalances can be treated with medications or lifestyle changes. Anatomical issues may require surgery. Lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, and maintaining a healthy weight can also help. In some cases, assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be recommended.

No matter what the cause of your infertility, it is important to seek medical advice and support to ensure you are getting the best care possible. With the right treatment, many women are able to overcome infertility and achieve pregnancy.

It is important to remember that infertility is not always a permanent condition. With the right diagnosis and treatment, many women are able to overcome infertility and achieve pregnancy. If you are struggling with infertility, it is important to seek medical advice and support to ensure you are getting the best care possible.

What are the risks associated with female infertility treatments?

Female infertility treatments can involve a variety of medical interventions, such as medications, surgery, and assisted reproductive technologies. Each of these treatments carries its own risks and potential side effects.

Medication: Common medications used to treat infertility can cause side effects such as nausea, headaches, and breast tenderness. In some cases, these medications can also cause more serious side effects, such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).

Surgery: Surgery to treat infertility can involve laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, or other more invasive procedures. These surgeries can carry risks such as infection, bleeding, and damage to the reproductive organs.

Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) can carry risks such as multiple births, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), and ectopic pregnancy.

It is important to discuss the risks associated with any infertility treatment with your doctor before beginning treatment. Your doctor can help you weigh the risks and benefits of each treatment option and decide which one is best for you.

What are the types of infertility treatments available for women?

When it comes to infertility treatments, there are a variety of options available for women on the cause of infertility, treatments may include medications, surgery, assisted reproductive technologies (ART), or lifestyle changes.

Medications: Hormone treatments may be prescribed to help regulate ovulation and increase the chances of conception. Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) is a common medication used to induce ovulation. Other medications, such as gonadotropins, may also be used to stimulate ovulation.

Surgery: Surgery may be recommended to correct anatomical issues that are preventing conception. For example, a laparoscopy may be used to remove endometriosis or fibroids that are blocking the fallopian tubes.

Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): ART refers to a variety of techniques used to help couples conceive. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most common type of ART. During IVF, eggs are retrieved from the woman’s ovaries and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory. The fertilized egg is then implanted into the woman’s uterus.

Lifestyle Changes: Making lifestyle changes can help improve fertility. Eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and reducing stress can all help improve fertility. Additionally, quitting smoking and avoiding alcohol and drugs can also improve fertility.

It is important to remember that infertility is not always a permanent condition. With the right treatment, many women are able to conceive and have healthy pregnancies. If you are experiencing infertility, it is important to speak to your doctor about the best treatment options for you.


Are you over 40 years of Age and having a difficult time getting pregnant?

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See Video below how we can help


Ava, 54 year old school administrator from New York recently got married for the second time never had any children and wanted to have a child with her new husband. She came to see Dr. Gulati and Dr. Gulati tried to persuade her not to carry a child because of this age. Ava resisted and persisted so Dr. Gulati gave in and decided to help her.


Dr. Gulati sent Ava for a complete GYN exam and found out Ava had fibroids in her uterus and her hormones were totally unbalanced. Dr. Gulati sent Ava to Mount Sinai Hospital to have the fibroids removed.

When Ava came back to see Dr. Gulati she put Ava through a 3-month course once a week of IV vitamins drips and hormones balance treatments. By the end of that period, Ava uterus lining was in excellent condition. Dr. Gulati now arranged for Ava to get an egg donor from

have over 1000 egg donors of all nationalities available so Ava had no problem finding an egg donor she really liked. The donor was sent to an outstanding IVF clinic where the eggs were harvested and embryos were made using her husband sperm then the embryos were frozen.


Six weeks later Ava uterus was in such good condition the I V F physician implanted one embryo into Ava. 9 months later Ava delivered a beautiful baby boy 8 pounds 6 ounces. Ava was thrilled in fact, she was so happy she came back at age 56 and ask that she be implanted with another embryo so she could have her second child. Ava second child another boy was born at Mount Sinai. Just like Ava fertility issues were resolved we will love to resolved your fertility issues.

To make an appointment with one of our physicians, please call us at 1-212-794-8800. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Definition of Female Infertility

Women Inability to conceive might be actually described as the lack of ability to become pregnant a little one on the role of the female after many years of time, for making love with no birth controls. Remarkably, the clinical meaning of barrenness, in addition, summarizes the lack of ability to achieve an impregnation it is a normal outcome leading to losing the unborn babies.


Roughly 1 in 5 partners have difficulty becoming pregnant with a child. In case a partner is not able to become pregnant just after one year of unguarded sexual intercourse, they are actually stated to become sub-fertile. In many cases, the married couple could be assisted with aided conceptive techniques. For about 1 in TEN partners researched for the inability to conceive, absolutely no reason is really discovered. This is actually referred to as 'idiopathic infertility'.

According to studies from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, women infertility is actually stated to impact about 5.3 million Americans or approximately 9% of the procreative peer group of females.

Signs of Women infertility

One of the most apparent and essential signs and symptoms of women inability to conceive is the inability to get pregnant, after continued efforts at unguarded intimacy all throughout the year. A few other signs of women infertility might have observed an irregular monthly period pattern, that is either way too quick or too prolonged in comparison to a regular menstruation pattern. Sometimes nevertheless the signs of women infertility are actually difficult to evaluate due to the fact that there are actually zero external and apparent indications which reveal an issue with becoming pregnant.

A number of essential indications of female infertility are;

  • Abdominal mass
  • Infections in the Genital areas
  • Pelvic infections
  • Problems in the Endocrine
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Endometriosis
  • Anovulatory cycles

Types of Female infertility

Women infertility might be actually categorized into 2 standard kinds, all these will be, mainly infertility as well as Secondary Infertility.

Most important infertility could be actually described as a problem in becoming pregnant in the event of a couple that has actually not become pregnant before. While Secondary infertility is actually a situation where a pair (perhaps the dad or the mom is a birth parent) has actually given birth to a little one in the past, however, is actually having issues in becoming pregnant this specific moment. Nevertheless, there certainly is a 3rd kind of woman infertility related to as the 'Unexplained Infertility ', in which as the title suggests is actually a situation of the inability to conceive in which physical examination does certainly not accept any type of particular reason for female inability to conceive.

Reasons for female infertility.

Generally, there are actually lots of well-known typical reasons that might result in female infertility.

A few of these typical reasons consist of:

  • Ovulatory disorders
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Premature ovarian failure
  • fibroids
  • Uterine factors
  • Endometriosis

Separate from a few of these particular main causes, certainly there are definitely various other causes, that may result in women inability to conceive also. The women procreative system, being actually extremely fragile in structure, the smallest of troubles may impact a woman's productivity, nevertheless, the great news is actually that in a variety of the cases the issue could be corrected and women can become pregnant. Factors for women infertility could extend from the tiniest to the gravest problems such as egg quality, monthly period suppressing, eating problems, being plus-sized, being Malnourished, having a persistent and significant health issue, in addition to others.

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