UAH offers many academically challenging online/hybrid programs through a variety of carefully selected online learning (OL) formats, each deemed most appropriate for the course content and design of our departments and colleges.

online and hybrid online programs offered at UAH

Courses offered may use Canvas (UAH's learning management system or LMS), Panopto (UAH's lecture capture technology), Zoom videoconferencing, or a combination of these online technologies. We are constantly expanding our course and program offerings to best meet the needs of our students.

For a list of online courses offered each semester, please browse the UAH Current Class Schedules. Courses are coded in the UAH Current Class Schedules as:

  • O (100% online, no on-campus meetings typically required),
  • (Hybrid, 51%-99% online, some on-campus meetings may be required), or
  • T (Traditional format, less than 51% online material, standard on-campus class meeting schedule will apply and are typically hosted in the LMS).

If you have a request for a course or program that is not currently offered, contact an Academic Advisor.

Online Learning Mission Statement

Online learning courses and programs offered by ßÙÁ¨´«Ã½ aim to maximize student access through the use of electronic course delivery systems. All courses and programs are consistent with and support the University’s mission and strategic plan, with a focus on enhancement of student access to learning and success in their educational pursuits across undergraduate and graduate coursework opportunities.

Thinking about teaching online?

Looking for information on Instructional Design?

OL Faculty Support Site